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> You specifically wrote (about NYC's open loop): > yes i did specifically write about the open loop in NY, but if you read closely or any of my follow-up posts you would see that i was not ONLY speaking of my experiences at the open loop, but at my experiences seeing people playing with gear. obviously, you took personal offense towards my comments and by no means did i mean to insult you. and from the looks of other posts, it seems that you are the only one who took these things personally...and again, i apologize for offending you...if you knew me, which you obviously don't you would know that i am one of the most open minded people when it comes to people's art and their forms of expression. i was just posing a question as to what people on this list are concerned with - gear or music...and i'm sure there are just as many on the list concerned with gear as their are with music...after all, most discussion on this list involve gear as opposed to music. > >the main dissappointing thing that i've noticed > amoung > > > > musicians who use the gear is the lack of > > > musicality. > > Pretty damm cocky. You dam well better be able > to be "musical". again, you took this personally as a shot at you...if you saw me at the open loop (which it would have been hard to miss considerring i was the only person there just watching), you would have clearly seen me getting down in my seat when the groove was there...and you would have also seen me holding my ears when utter chaos was ensuing...and i'm pretty sure i saw you or at least some of the other loopers make some wry grimaces at some of the sounds that the collective group was making...and body language speaks louder than email... ...and what makes you think that i'm not musical? because i made a comment saying that i've heard people not make music with the gear. have you ever gone to a guitar shop and just listened to people can call it music if you want, but i don't...some of it is the best music i've ever heard and some of it makes me want to leave the store...try not to jump to conclusions about me, my playing, my thoughts, and what i'm talking about (especially when you aren't reading my posts - i'm attempting to be friendly and even try to bury the hatchet with a down home jam session, but apparently you like to allow your pride to make you miss opportunities to create music...fine with me). > > if you are interested in hearing me play or > listening > > to the music that i write, or even jamming, i'm > always > > down, > > Not really interested at all at this point.... i'm not surprised...but my invitation is still open to jam with you, maybe give you an opportunity to meet the person who you seem to think has nothing good to say about anything...but the ball is in your court...i'm in the process of pulling together a jam session with members of the list and i'd really like for you to come, but if you prefer tension and bad blood, then you enjoy it...i hold no grudges and i still have nothing wrong with your musical abilities (and why you think i am attacking you - maybe you are doubting your own abilities?) > > but don't think that i'm trying to come off as > > some hot shot > > Fooled me! how so? by mentioning the fact that i've been involved with playing bass for 10 years? who cares? i only mentioned it to be taken a bit more seriously by some of the 'holier than though' folk on the list who have actually accomplished things in their musical career. i am very serious about music and i joined this list to delve deeper into it...i don't know if you are serious or just a hobbyist but it gives you no right to make judgements about me and my i said, i'm sorry if my words offended you, but there was no malice intended behind them...learn to take some criticism if you are the reason that i covered my ears at the open loop, if you are not the reason, what is your problem? > >...and if you > > are threatened by someone who has been making > music > > for an extended period of time (I'm sure that to > the > > bulk of this list, 10 years is nothing) and think > that > > that makes me think that I am better than anyone > else, > > then that is your own issue. > > Threatened? You insulted the folks that play every > week > at open loop. My point was that 10 years IS nothing. yeah, and what is your point with your point. 10 years is i insulted people at the open loop by saying that their were certain things that i enjoyed and certain things that i didn't enjoy...i would say that sounds more like an unbiased opinion. and how come you are the only one insulted? i spoke with others at the open loop and even mentioned that in my post...are you offended that i wasn't impressed with what you did and didn't talk to you after the open loop? a: i was in a rush...b: i don't even know who you are or what you were doing at the loop, so i'm sure i couldn't have possibly been aiming any comments your way...all that i remember is chatting with pedro and grace a bit about their setups and what they use loopers for, i remember a fretless guitar player who had very solid leadership potential, but others weren't vibing off of his lead to push things forward, and then i remember a really unique setup i saw with some delays and a tape recorder which although seemed like it could use some polishing up...was one of the most innovative things i'd seen in a while...and then there were some others playing drums...some who smiled and seemd excited to see a new face and others who gave me an odd vibe and funny looks for being there. > Music is more important to me, so I would be > insulted > when you say that the folks at open loop are not > musical. no offense, but i'm sure you'll take are like an ex-girlfriend who won't let you live down a misworded comment. relax...take a deep breath and read this comment: i have no problems with the musical abilities of the open loop players and look forward to working with and learning from them. i do however question the intentions of some of the open loopers as well as other folks i've seen playing looping devices and other fancy it about the gear or the music. you say it is about the music...okay, thank you for answering my question...discussion over. > > > > Drop an email off list and we can find a mutually > > convenient time to get together to jam or have a > > musical duel or whatever.I'm in new york as I > assume > > you are as well.and I hold no hostility towards > you, > > but your post really sparked my interest to hear > what > > you can do with your gear and your instrument(s). > > wouldn't want to do folks > at open loop are too unmusical to hang with the > likes of you. i'm sorry, who is cocky? me? rather be cocky and friendly, then stubborn and attacking... if you feel you are too unmusical to jam with others, that's cool, but if you feel up to it, i'm down...egos and cockiness aside. > > ps. I hope its okay, but I tend to play fretted > bass > > over fretless by personal choice, but I do have a > > homemade fretless with frets pulled out ala jaco > style > > (but it is a piece of crap and sounds like a toys > r' > > us bass) > > Whatever... why did you make me a challenge? you thought you were the bigger man or something? i'm down...i tend to try not to talk what i can't back up...(in case you didn't notice, now i'm being cocky)... chill out and try and be a little friendly, the world isn't such a bad place all the time. still ready to jokes, no i'm better than you...let's just jam. why fight when you can make music? if nothing else, see ya saturday at the open loop... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more