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Here's how I use/define it in LoopIII, I can't speak about LoopIV, since it hasn't arrived yet: <This couldn't have been possible without a killer explanation by Andre, the previous posts by Matthias, Kim and David.> I use vinyl and an EDP, I'll record 8 bars of break beat, but I do it in a different way: Quantize=ON INSMode=INS Beat1 is record button Beat2 insert <This starts to subdivide the loop into 1 beat sub-loops within the loop, of course clock drift will set in, and the sub loops will be off more and more as the beat continues. If I want to throw it off I can do so by applying a little pressure to the platter to drop/raise the pitch and throw it off a little further for confusion and fun later on down the line.> Beats3-24 are just left to run into entropy (You'll understand the entropy in a minute). Beat24 I hit INS again, this stops the recording. Now I have a "Round" loop with 24 subloops (subloops offer no guarantee of "Roundness". By roundness, I mean a loop that is looped on beat and goes infinitely, these may be way off beat to moderately off beat, according to it's position in the subloops.) inside it. So, what I can do now, is start to mess with the number of subloops within the loop. I hit multiply and multiply it down to 12 subloops, and let the fun begin. Through this, I can start to hit UNDO on different loops to have it scroll through different sub-loops within memory and replacing the current beat for some later/earlier beat in the mix. Since the latter sub-loops are a bit more entropic, they start to form really interesting rhythm patterns. It sort of becomes an "UNDO Puzzle" where you just try to keep on getting different patterns out of your bag of tricks (memory), by stomping on UNDO. Then once I get a really interesting pattern, I hit MULTIPLY one more time, let it run until it's at a satisfactory length, then hit INSERT to completely resize the sub-loop length, to an arbitrary value, like 16 beats. I now have a single 16 beat sub-loop made up of the preceding steps. Now I have a mish-mashed, interesting rhythmed, just the right length loop to work with. I then multiply it back out to 32 beats (or MULTIPLY to 2 Sub-loops) and start to work with it adding a little accent or whatever here and there with the drums or horns from the record that I originally recorded it off. And that's how I use it. D Thanks and best regards, Dylan DeAnda 703-653-6883 "What is it men cannot be made to believe!" -Thomas Jefferson -----Original Message----- From: A.Willers [] Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 5:03 PM To: Subject: Re: granular looping > This is only one application of the granular approach, and a pretty > obscure one at that. There are a lot of other possibilities to play > with, and I'm really looking forward to hearing what other people come > up with. > > OK, > > --Andre LaFosse > Hi Andre and all, you devils made it - finally the fact that I cannot run mp3/real audio etc.etc. on my ancient 68K machine is driving me nuts and nowhere to internet radio (hmm), product demos (oh, well), loopfest coverage (bad enough), no loop IV explorations (arghhhh) and now: no granular loopage to listen to! So please at least explain to this lost soul of the looping comunity: what de hell is GRANULAR LOOPING????? Save me a little peace of mind, Andreas :-)