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Re: CARP Passed - This sucks!

----- Original Message -----
From: <Hedewa7@aol.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 01:25 AM
Subject: Re: CARP Passed - This sucks!

> AKASHMUSIC@aol.com writes:
> >not even say Josh Wink or King Britt have an answer or perhaps they dont
> >wana
> >tell me...but I wonder if in fact they really know how its "all"
> >for in their music beyond any licensing or one off remix fees they get
> >up
> >front.
> >how do you make $$$ off of dance music and get paid for your music as it
> >climbs the so called dance charts?.
> not being disingenuous, here:
> you could find and employ a good entertainment industry lawyer --- one
> you understand, is recommended to you, and seems trustworthy.

Sounds like a conflict in terms! :)  Actually part of this struggle with 
RIAA also has to do with keeping lawyers' greasy fingers from fouling the
Internet up TOO much.  And who besides a medium-large music company has the
money for such services?

Stephen P. Goodman
EarthLight Productions
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