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get em while you still can! as far as i'm concerned, the repeater is still the best available looping tool on the mkt (depending on your needs ofcourse)...and i wouldn't be surprised to see their prices start to skyrocket as is the case with most of the older, no longer made amazing pieces of gear from yester-year. speaking of which, anybody have one of those vintage hot pink ibanez delay pedals that they want to part with at a reasonable price? still repeating... e va n|s sa b --- Skip <> wrote: > Repeater's no longer a 'current' looper. > > > > right after i bought one too...fancy the luck. > > > i like it (and still glad i bought it- thank you > Guitar Center credit gods), > but i was hoping for a version update soon. it's OS > is still young and > there's a lot of room for improvement. > > > anybody wanna sell a cheap EDP? > > -12 > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free