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Repeater File Formats response from Electrix

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Lisa Tyner <ltyner@ivl.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:03:43 -0700 


Thanks for the support.  I apologize for not following through on that
promise, it must have got pushed aside.  

We are planning on making the file formats available to the public but it
won't be for a few months.  All the Repeater engineers are tied up until 
end of the month at least.  I'll post the code on our website when it's

Cheers, Lisa

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Goldsmith [mailto:kevin@unitcircle.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 10:42 AM
To: support@electrixpro.com
Subject: file format on Card?

hey, when I first got a repeater, I sent mail asking if I could get the 
formats that you guys use on the CFC so that I could write a program to 
me move my WAV files into the repeater from the computer.  You told me that
you were comming out with your own, so that you weren't making that info

Given your recent sad announcement, I was wondering if you'll be making
those formats public now?


P.S. I'm really bummed, I love my repeater and Filter Factory and MoFX, you
guys were killed in your prime!

Kevin Goldsmith                          kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                   http://www.unitcircle.com

Kevin Goldsmith                          kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                   http://www.unitcircle.com