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These headphones impressed me so much that I bought 4 pairs last month. For TRACKING, not mixing, though. The model HFI-650 I've got *really* good speakers for mixing ;> I was demoing headphones at the NAMM show and had a listen to Beyers, Sennheisers, and AKG's. Honestly, these sounded better, and are very comfy, too. Plus, they have a trick hinge that lets you fold up one of the earmuffs so it seals against your head, which solves the leakage problem when the musician only wants to listen to the phones with one ear (the headphone monitors bleeding into the hot vocal mic). Also worth checking out are the Etymotic ER4S in-ear phones. These are really great for live recording engineers in the same room as the musicians. More than 20 dB isolation, incredible bass response of any headphone I've ever tried. Not very convenient for a studio musician, though, as it takes a few minutes to get them set in your ears. My USD.02, Henry Heine Bag End Loudspeakers Rainer Straschill wrote: > > Peter, > > thanks for your hint regarding the head-fi web page. I just took a quick > look at both the site and at the AKG website to see if the two pairs of >cans > I do own do still exist (and/or are mentioned) - a K270 and a K500. > > The K270 came out as a winner in a personal listening contest I conducted > some 13 (?) years ago, and were actually the only ones in the price range > below 700DM (at that time ~$400?) that could compete with a pair of >Staxes. > I got the K500 ~4 years ago when a Hi-Fi shop threw them out at something > like DM99, and I simply had to get that pro-looking AKG for that price > without checking it out (seems the specific model was at that time >replaced > by the K501 ?) > > While I still do think the 270s do sound more "real" (as far as this can >be > said about any headphones), when musicking, I do mostly use the K500s, > simply for their great comfort and their very "open" sound character. So > based on my limited experience, while the K270s are the ones for anyone > doing sound engineering jobs with cans, the 500s are the ones to wear >when > simply strapping on the bass at midnight, turning on the looprack and > playing away... > > Rainer > > Rainer Straschill > Moinlabs GFX and Soundworks - > digital penis expert group - > The MoinSound Archives -