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Simply put, impedance is the interaction between resistance and frequency. It effects the signal transfer. I took a class where we looked at it mathematically, and it was way beyond me. I think of impedance (load) like bike gears. A transistor is always trying to pedal with all it's might. If the gear is too low (2 ohms), the pedaling will be too fast (current too high) and you'll burn your legs out. Most commercial amps like the "gear" to be between 6-8 ohms. Two low and you can burn out your amp. Lot's of pro stuff will deal with a 2 ohm load. Touch your positive and negative leads together to find out what will happen with no load. That smell will be your amp frying. Your reactance will be one of crying and maybe shouting. If the impedance is too high, your amp probably won't care, but you won't get a lot of signal. This may be a horrible analogy, but it's how I think of it. Am I wrong? Mark Sottilaro MIKO wrote: > Can anyone put impedance and reactance into laymen's terms for me and >tell > me what they impact?