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Rob- Always a good idea when mentioning software to indicate the platform. Some of us Higher Beings who are Mac centric can get offended easily. Grrr! DLM on 10/21/02 11:13 PM, Rob Wright at wrote: > hi folks: at the LD site, under tools of the trade, it refers to a >number of > software-based loopers. although most allow you to stack loops together, >it > seems to me that most don't allow the kind of real-time interactive >looping > that makes the hardware devices so popular. so i did a google search on > "interactive software-based loopers" or some such, and came across an > intriguing piece of freeware called ambiloop. downloaded it last night >and > have fiddled around a bit since. it looks very promising. offers 8 stereo > loops of, it seems, almost infinite length. loops can be added on the >fly. > it allow half and double time, and reverse. there's also an FX and filter > section. anyone out there tried it out? i'd be interested to hear what > hardware loopers have to say about it. since i'm new to this and i don't >own > one yet, i'm not sure whether it has any serious lackings or not. > here's the link: > rob >