Hi Stuart,
thanks for the quick
Well, I've already found the manual (
which carries no info about the charger ) and tried to contact Lectrosonics but
got no reply.
Maybe one could find out with a
measurement instrument.
Anyway, thanks a lot !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 2:51
Subject: Re: Maxi Mouse amp
A manual for your amp can be downloaded at: http://www.lectrosonics.com/manuals/manuals.htm
there is no specs re: the charger. It might be worth writing to them via the
url http://www.lectrosonics.com/manuals/inforequest.htm
.... I doubt if there will be any problems for them releasing the
Good luck. It looks like a nice amp :)
On Wednesday,
October 23, 2002, at 01:21 PM, Leander Reininghaus wrote:
everybody,/smaller>/color>/fontfamily> is
there anybody out there who owns a Lectrosonics Mouse or Maxi Mouse battery
powered amp ?/smaller>/color>/fontfamily> And
if so, would he/she tell me please the specs ( output voltage V and power
(m)A of its WH-40 charger ?/smaller>/color>/fontfamily> I'm
a guitarrist from Germany and I've just bought a Maxi Mouse with the charger
missing. And since a) the amp is out of production, b) quite rare in Germany
and c) I coudn't use the American model,anyway, I would like to build the
charger myself./smaller>/color>/fontfamily> This
info would be a great help for me, thanks in advance !/smaller>/color>/fontfamily> Leander/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>
Stuart Wyatt (Solo String Project) -