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RE: Practice, rehearse, perform

It's serious only because this message comes from Headquarters:  "You shall
never reach the other side of music.  Be sure that the earthlings know.
With all of my unachievable love, Corporal Peter Pan."

-----Original Message-----
From: Woz [mailto:woz@phaesler.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:24 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: Practice, rehearse, perform

Oh dear MIKO. Such a long winded serious response to such a an un serious
remark. I wasn't serious.
Seriously yours...Woz

At 02:22 PM 15/11/02, you wrote:
>The first statement is false.
>Practice increases the quality and complexity of performance toward the
>asymptotally approachable but never-achievable perfection we visualize-
>though never clearly- as the ideal of that which we are practicing.
>Practice can guarantee no contact with perfection.  But it allows us to
>simulate perfection to a higher degree, until we find ourselves lost 
>in the experience, itself, to have little desire left for perfection- we
>discover, perhaps- our own style- and how our own style is, in itself, the
>perfection that we initially sought.  We find ourselves surprised- oh my
>God- perfection is here, where I stop, and free myself within the realm of
>the learning and the manifesting simultaneously... ???  Perhaps...
>Practice feeds the ego, kills the ego, gives birth to humility again and
>Balance appears on the horizon... then inspiration- then - then...
>We find ourselves playing for perfection or playing for time...  We look
>back toward the perfect... we see it again as something separate from 
>we still want to know it- better perhaps- this this- just better
>So we say "practice makes perfect" because we understand that believe the
>lie fuels the promise of transcendence toward the lie- and we make get to
>some perfection we saw as a child- maybe- after we've forgotten what it 
>, after we have redirected ourselves toward a perfection that suddenly, is
>grander than it was before...
>What was the perfection practice was going to let us find?  When we began
>practice, to make perfect, was it the same goal- as that which he will say
>we have "now" - after practicing?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Woz [mailto:woz@phaesler.org]
>Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:50 PM
>To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>Subject: Re: Practice, rehearse, perform
>Practice makes perfect. Nobody's perfect. So why practice?
>    :)