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<PRE>well.....wherever we hold this year's "WORLD LOOPFEST" that's where we should all move to.....i decided for the new year to quit watching the news, it is making me nuts yet here we are talking about moving out of america on LD (my little "escape" universe).....ladies and gentlemen, these are some truely weird times, seems ive already "been here, done that" though for a really long time AND NOTHING CHANGES.....perhaps it's no longer taking my meds thats makin me a little edgy.....i just had a thought (surprise!), what if they could just pull the plug on the internet, what if there was no more LD, e-mail, news lists, JUST TV would exist and all that would be on would be FUCKIN BUSH AND THE FUCKIN BUSH it possible to move far enuf away from their dreams of empire.....yikes!......actually, im very happy because i do not have to work tonite so im off to throw a few switches and begin to make the big NOISE.....a true AMOR-I-CAN.....:).....michael