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I've been wondering if manufacturers would move more towards "real" networking, ie: Ethernet. With Gigabit ethernet hardware chips coming down in price, giving bandwidth to spare, I'm wondering why manufacturers haven't moved in that direction. KEvin >There is >also a trend toward networking. Kurweil, Apogee, and Presonus all >have products that incorporate mLAN; Digidesign, Mark of the Unicorn, >and Metric Halo have Firewire audio interfaces. Steinberg has VST >System Link, which allows a group of networked computers to function >as a cohesive system. Akai has ak.Sys Control to network their >equipment and to allow a computer running VST plug-ins to function as >a piece of outboard gear. > -- ------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Goldsmith Unit Circle Media ------------------------------------------------------------- New From Unit Circle: Intonarumori - "Material" --