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Re: Tu2: looping software for PC: a rave review from a NON-endorsee

This sounds pretty exciting. I'm a registered user of version 1 and even
with its more limited capabilities it has served me well over the past
year. Great code (and I'm also no way affiliated with this BramBos).


"Rick Walker/Loop.pooL" wrote:
> Hi gang, I don't recall whether anyone has talked about this
> really wonderful looping software, but I have been using it
> in conjunction with my brand new EDP with LOOP 4 software (don't
> start me gushing about this one) in the last couple of days
> and I am getting some amazing results.
> It is a PC only (sorry my good mac friends) program which allows
> you to take any .wav file and chop it into any number of exact length
> increments (from 1 to 16).
> This is a phenomenal way to take 'pad' like loops and turn them into
> rhythmic 'bubbles' for groove purposes.
> This is just the beginning:
> You can apply short noise gates to any of the individual increments to
> create rhythmic stutter effects.
> You can then turn any of these individual steps on or off (creating
> syncopated patterns).
> Then you can apply a random function which will randomly shuffle the
> individual 'slices'.
> Say you have a rhythmic guitar loop using a particular chord.   
> the slices
> can create some really funky variations.  Sometimes I just keep hitting 
> randomize button until something really funky comes up.
> You now have a picture of the original sliced up .wav on top and your new
> randomize sliced up .wav on the bottom.
> If you want to rearrange the new slices manually you can take any slice 
> place it in a different place in the new sliced loop (including using the
> same slice over and over if you want)
> Now you can make any slice be played forward or reversed or you can use
> another random function to randomly change the relationship of each of 
> slices.
> OKAY,  now we have a cool new funky rhythm .wav:
> you can now add panning, resonance, filter cut-off to any individualy 
> or globally and every time you dig the way you've mangled the loop you 
> save it as a preset for future mangling of new loops.
> The loops you have created can now be placed in a mixer.........this is 
> awesome way
> to take the same loop and mangle it and resonate it in different ways:  
> it in real time and then record the results into a sound editor like 
> Forge or Cool Edit Pro
> in real time.
> It creates awesome real time and very organic sounding rhythmic tracks 
> most people would be hard pressed to figure out how you made them.
> Add to this some different softsynths and sequencer functions and a 
> drum machine
> and this program just rocks!!!!!!!!
> It can be had from
> for the low price of $35 for the shareware version.
> Check it out,  I love it.
> yours, Rick Walker

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