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Hi All, Rick wrote: << The other salient factor is the price.............right now for the price it would take me to buy a closed architecture Titanium 800 mghz laptop I can get a state of the art and upgradeable PC laptop. >> Worth considering is Sager <>... They use desktop P4 chips in their laptops so you get more processing power but as you can imagine they run a bit hot and are also heavier. Their prices seem better or at least on par with Dell, etc. << P.S. I still don't know what sound card to get though, if there is more input on that particular question, I'd appreciate it. >> I don't know if they're available yet but the Tascam US-122 looks promising, as long as you don't need a ton of inputs <>. Cheers, VJ. -- Jeremy Gilbert -- - And now for something completely different…