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At 03:08 AM 5/31/2003, Stuart Wyatt wrote: >Live looping is a personal journey for each musician, and with live >looping comes different styles. I consider myself a live looper - Do I >sound like Rick? Does Rick sound like me? Absolutely not. I can give you >many many examples just from my students alone. > >Live looping is *NOT* a style of music, it is way to create music... Great! I'm glad I finally convinced you. >I'm reading your responses Kim, and it seems to me as though there is a >lot of tension that could actually force what you fear - a split and loss >of identity in the looping community. Tension? I've been on vacation for 4 weeks and I'm pretty relaxed at this point. For me these discussions are really enjoyable and stimulating, not tense. I find it sad that ideas can't be discussed and debated without some people taking it personally and getting emotional about it. I guess we could just make safe posts about line mixers. >I am a live looper. I am also a looper. Whats the problem? Cant we live >in >harmony? So far as I can remember and have experienced, "Looper" has always meant the same thing as what you guys are now calling "Live Looper". It's certainly always meant that here at Looper's Delight. It's used that way in musician magazines. I can see how it might be useful when discussing with an ordinary journalist to add the "Live" part, but the term "Looping" always meant the same thing in the musician world. That's another reason this effort to create some sort of separation between them seems really strange and forced to me. I'm the one who's arguing against all these arbitrary separations, remember? >I'm getting up to the stage where if things don't relax a little onlist, >I'll be unsubbing and will purely reside on Is that what >you want? I'm confused. That would be sad. But this statement again leaves me really confused about what this site is all about. Isn't it supposed to be for promoting to the public? In harmony and complimentary to Looper's Delight? One for musicians and one for press/public? Doesn't that mean the musician oriented posts you usually make here would not be appropriate there? So what would you be talking about when you are there? kim ______________________________________________________________________ Kim Flint | Looper's Delight |