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Re: Newbie question...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Cox" <dougcox@pdq.net>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie question...

> For what it's worth,
> The Echoplex Digital Pro is great for this kind of "looping".  In this
> you'd lay down the drums on Loop 1, then switch to Loop 2 and overdub the
> riff on top of the drums.  At that point, Loop 1 is just the drums, Loop 
> is the drums plus the A riff.  You can then use Next Loop to switch
> them.

Just to further elaborate, once I lay down loop 1, does that set the bounds
for the
remaining loops? What happens if loop 1 is longer than loop 2? Will loop 2
just be
extended with silence for the duration of loop 1?

Also, if I start loop 2 back up, does it start right away, or does it wait
until the beginning
of  loop 1 again?

The info I've been able to find isn't very clear on this.



> The EDP is quite a step up from the RC20, both cost-wise and feature 
> The EDP is also rack mounted.  I highly recommend it!! :)
> Doug
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Sanders" <paul_sanders@adelphia.net>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 8:46 AM
> Subject: Newbie question...
> > Hello all,
> >
> > My first post on this list.
> >
> > I've recently become a looper in the context of my solo acoustic gig.
> >
> > I'm using the Boss RC-20 loop station which is giving me *most* of 
> but
> > I'm trying to accomplish one other thing, and I'm having trouble 
> > piece of gear that will do it.
> >
> > I want to be able to have 2 seperate loops, sync'd together in tempo,
> > such that one can be stopped and started while the other plays on.
> >
> > Here's an example:
> >
> > I play "Lay Down Sally" by Eric Clapton. I lay down and loop a drum
> pattern
> > with my Roland drum pad thingie. That's dandy, and that stays on the
> entire
> > tune.
> >
> > I THEN want to lay down the little a chord riff that the verses and the
> solo
> > break use.
> >
> > BUT, when the chorus rolls around, I want to be able to kill the A 
> > riff loop, keeping the drum loop running, and them play the D/D7/E7
> > progression, then kick the A riff loop back in when I'm done with the
> > chorus.
> >
> > Right now I can't loop the A riff because it plays through the chorus
> > sounds lame doing so.
> >
> > I've tried using an extra box to do the seperate loop, in the case a
> > DL4, but the problem there is if the timing is off any at all, after a
> > loops, everything gets out ot sync. Not acceptable.
> >
> > I've read up on the Jamman, and the Electrix Repeater and it's not 
> to
> > me from what I've read if I can have two independent, but time sync'd
> loops
> > with either of those boxes.
> >
> > Can anyone lend some helpful input on this matter?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Paul Sanders
> > Email: paul_sanders@adelphia.net
> >
> >