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ambient show in Oakland review (was Re: OT:Rewire, Pro Tools, Reason)

Lot's of looping and use of Reason in a live context at this show.  
Over all a bit of a disappointment. First, a bit about MNO and his 
Ambient Marimba and Reason.

Potentially great.  Interesting Marimba looped with a Line6 DL-4 that 
seemed to be interrupted by fiddling with Reason on a laptop.  Overall 
the music he was playing was good, but I'd have rather seen him spend 
80% of his time on Marimba and 20% on the laptop.  Basically, if he was 
playing Marimba along to a CD and checking his email I would not have 
known the difference.  (Jon suggested it might be better if there was 
video projected of what he was doing on the laptop, but I'm not sure.  
Makes me think hard about what I'm going to do with a laptop soon, but 
I'm going to be DJ'ing my own music so it's probably not as important.) 
Someone needs to get this guy an EDP or Repeater.  I bet he could do 
amazing things with a synced looper.

Don't even get me started about the visuals by Dr. Spook.  Horrible.  
Crazy techno 'shrooms in space at an ambient show?  Come on.  Did not 
fit the music at all and so overused.

Opening band: DF Tram.  I tuned out the minute I walked in the door.  
Sorry, playing a Brian Eno album while someone plays diggeriedoo over 
it and you put some effects on it all is plagiarism.  Call yourself a 
DJ if you're going to play other people's music.  I *never* want to 
hear an Eno album at a live ambient show.  Also, they used the much 
abused "You've just come from a long session of electroshock 
therapy..." sample.  Saturday Night Live!  Weee!

Mark Sottilaro

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 12:23 AM, Sunao Inami wrote:

> Hi,
> Please try ReFuse.
> http://www.refusesoftware.com/
> but it does not work on OSX..
>  Regards
>  Sunao Inami
> http://www.cavestudio.com
> At 3:08 -0400 03.7.25, John Mazzarella wrote:
>> Howdy,
>>     I'm looking to upgrade my studio in the next year.  I currently 
>> use
>> Pro Tools LE.  I've heard nothing but good things about Propellerheads
>> Reason.  I'd like to use it in conjunction with Pro Tools LE.  I know
>> that you can do this with the Rewire application.  Is this available 
>> for
>> Pro Tools LE yet?  I've done some research, but it's not quite clear.
>> Anywbody using Reason with Pro Tools LE?
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> www.johnmazzarella.com