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Re: Looping with a PC laptop... which one?

This is all great stuff guys, I appreciate it.  You don't get this 
information on consumer report.  I have heard horror stories about 
Toshibas though.


On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 06:38 AM, Jonah, Jim wrote:

> My past laptop experiences:
> Dell: two previous employers (dot coms) used dells. Every Dell I had
> required service. The last one eventually was completely replaced one 
> part
> at a time (2 screens, 1 motherboard, 1 harddrive, and one battery). 
> All five
> of the programmers in my group needed service on their dell lattitudes 
> right
> around the one year mark. Within the office we were running about a 30%
> repair rate for the Dell laptops.
> Some random issues were never solved (cpu spikes).
> Toshiba: rock solid, never needed service, consistent performance, 
> ergonomic
> case (at least better than the Dell and the Thinkpad).
> IBM Thinkpad: brick (in weight and ergonomics), overpriced, available
> features seemed to always trail other manufacturers, never needed 
> service.
> Not had the pleasure of owning a Mac laptop, just lots of Mac 
> desktops. It
> seems that by the time you beef up a windows laptop (Ram, Harddrive 
> space,
> CD burner or DVD burner) they are much closer in price difference than 
> you'd
> find in the desktop world.
> If you get a Dell, research the extended warranties and get one.
> If I were to buy one today I'd look at Toshiba, Sony, and Apple.
> Jim
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