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TIMOTHY's farewell letter........and an apology from mr. space cadet, himself

I said that I was forwarding Timothy's last letter to the group
and I forgot to hit Control V and actually paste the thing into my letter.

I'm a little too stressed about this weekend...................huge
apologies Timothy
(if indeed you are still subscribed).



That's OK, I'm done with the list, had quite enough of it all. It's not
worth it to me to remain. Hell, you can ramp up the criticism 1000% and I
won't cry. but I don't give a crapola for the so-called community of
apathetic children you got there. I also don't care who was a member for 
years; wrong is wrong, people who won't step up and defend those who are
being wronged are just as wrong, etc.

I was being intentionally provocative, just to see if ANYONE on the list 
any balls at all. Well well well, I saw all I wanted to see. 3 guys out of
how many? I'm so impressed.

I'm not interested in "community", heck, not really even interested in
Y'all can have em both!

And I'm quite capable and willing to call a spade a spade. I'll wrestle
anyone to the mat for the elderly, gay, infirmed, disabled, etc.

It was interesting for a while, and I really appreciate the fact that you
were concerned yesterday that I was going to un-sub, but like I said, life
IS too short to waste on such nonsense. I respect your desire to make peace
and smooth things out, but a boot up the arse has it's uses also, and I got
no problem doing that when necessary. My role model is Arjuna.

Sorry to burst your bubble re my interest level in "community". It's a
pleasant fantasy, but the LD "community" IS diseased, and nothing can fix
that, because it stems from its creator.

As they say, the "foot vote" is the most powerful of all. Mine are walking
away, to join the other wise folks who unsubbed in disgust.

I'm also sorry if I offended you in my assessment of the "community", but 
really is a clique. I wouldn't even offer my music to that group. I don't
make my music for "musicians" anyway.  Oh well.

See you on da flipped side!

