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Re: BPM & Pitch Shift on Repeater

Jeremy -

A similar idea (tracking the values with a sequencer) occured to me last night - I won't have an opportunity to try this for a few days, but will let you know when I do.

On Friday, November 7, 2003, at 04:27 am, jeremy wrote:

Hi Paul,

One thing you might try is putting the MIDI out of the Repeater into a sequencer and looking at the CC that comes out (if one does - I don't know yet). If the Repeater sends out CC14 and CC46 when you adjust pitch/BPM (CC9 and CC41 when adjusting tempo) it should be the same value in as CC to produce the same result.

I'm having to guess because I can't get to my MIDI computer right now - I'd be interested to know what you find out.

Best wishes


From: Paul Greenstein <paul@ubiq.co.uk>
To: loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: BPM & Pitch Shift on Repeater
Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2003, 8:28 pm

Being a mathematical dunce, I'm having difficulty working out the
relationship between midi controller values and tempo/pitch shift.

The manual says:

(using cc 14)  (-75%+150%) adjusts the tempo and pitch as a percentage
of the current tempo. 76 is zero shift.

I've made this work via trial and error - for example, a value of 25
seems to reduce the pitch by -12 , but it would be nice to be able to
predict the relative tempo change as well...

Maybe someone out there knows what I'm on about...
