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EMUSIC Playlist #367 for April 1, 2004


EMUSIC is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs each Thursday
at 11:00 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA 93.9 FM in Easton,
PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 92.9 FM on Service Electric Cable, and webcasting on
the internet.

                    Show #367                    April 1, 2004

On this show, I started a month-long focus on the Alpha Wave Movement.  The
Featured CD at Midnight was "A Distant Signal" on Harmonic Resonance Records.

The Vinyl Starter was from the LP "Galaxie Cygnus-A" by Robert Schroder on IC

I played the music of AirSculpture who will play at the next Gatherings on
April 17.  For details, see the EMUSIC Events page.

Alpha Wave Movement - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic/playlists/2004/focus04.html#apr
EMUSIC Events Page - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic/events.html


ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== ==============================
11:00 pm
Robert Schroder         Teil 4                   Galaxie Cygnus-A (IC)
AirSculpture            Slow Glass               Attrition System (NeuHarmony)
Paul Lawler             Ice Station              Bronx Shadows (Ricochet Dream)
Ian Boddy               Mechanic Organic         Chiasmata (DiN)
Alpha Wave Movement     Prologue Sequence        Cosmology (Groove)
VA [Redshift]           Echo Flow                Bridges (Echodisc)
Max Corbacho            Nocturnal Emanations     Nocturnal Emanations (Space
                                                   for Music)
Zero Ohms               Sea of Cold              Spacial Glacial Nebulous (++)

12:00 am
Alpha Wave Movement     Mapping the Heavens      A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Distant Signals          A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Liquid Cosmos            A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     A Place of Peace         A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Outward Bound            A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Centauri Memories        A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Requiem for C.S.         A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Portal Full of Stars     A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Plasma Cloud             A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     No Mans Land             A Distant Signal (HRR)
Alpha Wave Movement     Lunar Sunrise            A Distant Signal (HRR)

1:00 am

 * = exerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
++ = Advance CDR from Artist

On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on the Alpha Wave
Movement</a>.  The Featured CD at Midnight will be "Drifted Into Deeper Lands"
on Groove Records.

The Vinyl Starter will be from the LP "Electronic Realizations for Rock
Orchestra" by Synergy (Larry Fast) on Passport Records.

I will play the music of AirSculpture who will be performing at the Gatherings
on April 17.

Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient,  and space music show,  Thursdays at 11
pm (GMT-5:00) on WDIY 88.1 FM in Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton
and Phillipsburg.  Listen on-line to WDIY at http://wdiy.org  and click  LISTEN
EMUSIC web site - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic
Stream URL: http://rm1.refugemedia.com/ramgen/encoder/wdiy.rm
To subscribe to the EMUSIC-on-WDIY mailing list, click on [Join This Group!] at