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Re: EchoplexPro Yahoo Group

I don't believe any of the early responses seemed negative. I realize a few
went a bit over the top with some absurdist joking, but...

It's my experience that when there's a successful split from a large
community, it feels divisive, and tends to make collecting all the good
information harder, not to mention losing contact with cool people. My
response is more of the "don't leave, we need you all here as well!"
variety. Sorry if that didn't really come across.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "F Lebrun" <fr.lebrun@free.fr>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 4:05 AM
Subject: RE: EchoplexPro Yahoo Group

Dave, I fully agree with you about some kind of bad feeling
that resulted from you offering a new possibility;
your idea was a good open-minded one and should have been
received as such instead of being flagged as an attempt to
break the "monopolistic" views of LD some people here seem to have.

LD has brought me LOTS of unvaluable information, specially
about using my EDP, as well as about other guys around the world
making the same type of music I love, and just for that, it should be 
This does not prevent me from wishing there were others sources;
I usually like to have more than only one view on things, and when it feels
like I am told "don't look around, this is good for you" ... that feels ...
strange !

Only from the EDP AND other gear tech info point of view, and for the other
playing loops music, LD is an absolutely must, but I don't think it should
be the one and ONLY exclusive source for this type of info.

Is there something making some people feel so "protectivist" about "their"
LD and what ?
(and I do notice Kim has not shown any sign of being offended by Dave's

I agree with you Dave, this topic should end, specially because it feels
on this list some topics which should just be taken for what they are
bizarrely become endless sources of posts, in the long run polluting
the exchange space (remember that blackface thing ?? oooups ! sorry I said
it again !)

Also, you should not feel discouraged or rejected (ho ho ... another one ??
too bad isn't it ?
what is going wrong at LD that members are prevented from exchanging
positive ideas ?),
you were in the positive path and negative replies such as "don't do that"
should not
even have been posted by their author.

I think we should rather focus on building our community instead of making
our members feel rejected
because they are not part of what we think they should, or what we think we
own ?

Again, what about music lately ? (have not read yet any Loopstock feedback
but I got one this morning and will read it just after that).


-----Message d'origine-----
De: dave@unpronounceable.com [SMTP:dave@unpronounceable.com]
Date: mercredi 5 mai 2004 22:19
А: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Objet: Re: EchoplexPro Yahoo Group

> > a forum exclusively for the
> > discussion of the Echoplex Digital Pro
> Please don't.
> This forum is the best place to discuss the EDP.

I didn't. The group was already there.

Why would you care if there was another group for the discussion of the
Echoplex in addition to this group? There happens to be a Yahoo Group for
Electrix Repeater that seems to be doing pretty well (
http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/repeater-users/ ).

Loopers-Delight isn't a cult (though, lately I've begun to wonder). People
free to create join whatever other mailing lists they choose to.

Let's just end this topic. I'm sorry I bothered.

- Dave