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As I see it, while the "musical ruts" discussion is a fascinating one in its own right, it somehow differs from the starting point as stated by Rick (namely Chris Vrenna using "crap sounds" when arranging his latest album). While the first point is about circumventing musical ruts, the second one is about focus as I understand it: with his approach, Mr. Vrenna forced himself to concentrate on songwriting/composing/arranging, much in a way which e.g. J.S. Bach did when he wrote the Art of the Fugue (which wasn't written with any specific instrumentation in mind). For this latter goal, writing without any instrument at all is imho very helpful. I studied composition paralleling the last years of grammar school (something which you could do at the local music college under certain circumstances), and during this time, I composed and arranged a lot without access to an instrument (like in any free hours in my timetable from school), and thus I could free myself from having certain sounds in mind when writing the music. And thus I believe the next step in the approach mentioned would be to compose without instruments altogether (as Beethoven was forced to do after becoming deaf). The "musical ruts" topic is something different altogether (but something I think is especially important for the relatively large number of people here who do more or less free improvisation). A lot of people here have mentioned some important points, like learning a new instrument. Restricting the use of your main instrument (like "the next two shows I'll do without guitar") can also help, as can modifying your instruments in any way. This can be retuning the strings of your stringed instruments, retuning your synthesizer (like using a microtonal tuning). This also helps insofar because lots of the ruts stem from the fact that the things we tend to play all the time are those which can be played most easily on the instruments we use. The entire field of rock/pop would sound completely different had the people been using tubas and accordeons instead of bass guitars and guitars. And here, even simple steps like re-tuning (not the absolute, but the relative tunings) can help a great deal in getting out of your ruts. To get more in the technical domain lots of us are so fond of, I'd also like to suggest to apply this to electronic devices: restrict yourself to one effect (keyboard, whatever). Reprogram your foot controller. Take things out of or into MIDI sync. Rewire your mixer. Use a smaller mixer. Use a bigger mixer. And of course, new people, new styles, taking guests into your group, guesting with other groups. Just my two cents... Rainer Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill Moinlabs GFX and Soundworks - The Straschill Family Group - digital penis expert group - Eclectic Blah -