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RE: misbehaving EDP! Help please!

There is an issue with 4MB SIMMs that have 9 chips on them; these screw
the unit up and cause the noises you experienced; complicated issue to
do with capacitance and timing. You need 3 or 2 chip 4MB SIMMs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Grossman [mailto:nostyle@sympatico.ca] 
Sent: 04 November 2004 17:54
To: loopers-delight
Subject: misbehaving EDP! Help please!

Hello to you all,

I recently bought a used Oberheim EDP with loop III and 2x 1meg and 2x  
256k simms in it.  It worked fine when I got it.  I then put in the  
loop IV chip (thanks, Kim).  It worked fine.  After much searching I  
finally found 4 4meg simms to put in.  I put them in and it showed the  
full 198 seconds upon start-up.  Now I started having intermittent  
(then more frequent) episodes of full volume nasty noise on the output  
whenever I tried to record.  An amazing noise, really...I enjoyed  
putting it through effects and making Autechre-type sounds for a full  
five minutes or so, but then decided that I wanted a lightly more  
flexible machine...  I assumed that one (or more) of the RAM sticks was

suspect so I started to swap the sticks to see if I could find the  
culprit.  Now it seems that the machine will not recognise ANY of my  
simms in the front two slots.  I have 2 4megs in the rear slots and it  
SEEMS to be OK (albeit at only 100 seconds).  I'm keeping it warm now  
to see: I have gigs this weekend...you know the routine.

So.  Are the RAM slots damaged (my problem all along) and my fiddling  
did them in?  Problems with the OS or other components?  Should I try a

parameter reset?  Or something more radical?  More to the point: has  
anyone experienced similar problems?  I did check the archives, but  
found nothing similar.

If I'm truly up the creek, does anyone know of a place in Canada (S  
Ontario, preferably) that could fix 'er up?

Thanks very much!!!!




Ben Grossman


Ben Grossman