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Re: Re: Behringer-Mackie debate

Mackie stuff is better period.
Behringer stuff is cheap which I thank them for being however...

Mackie for me are the company doing the great work coming up with
brilliant product like the mackie control which is the only decent
affordable computer control surface. Behringer are simply a company
that takes other peoples great ideas and tries to make them as cheaply
as possible which is nice ... however if you always buy the cheap
imitation the great companies of which there are very few like Mackie
whose products have both excellent ergonomic performance as well as
audio performance will die...
And then there will be less really well designed products for us to
Thats what sets a great product from a simply value product is the
thought that goes into the overall design.

The Mackie control is the only computer product I have bought in ages
which works as it should with no effort on my part from the moment I
plugged it in, That speaks volumes!

Suit & Tie Guy <erwill@suitandtieguy.com> wrote on 20.01.2005, 07:17:25:
> On Jan 19, 2005, at 11:39 PM, loop.pool wrote:
> > If they are made in the same factory in China (which I don't dispute)  
> > how could Behringer charge hundreds of dollars
> > less for them than the Mackies and stay competitive?  They have had to 
> > cut costs somewhere and my ears tell me that it
> they beat their suppliers TO DEATH.
> they are a ruthless company when it comes to component sourcing.
> ---
> Eric Williamson
> www.suitandtieguy.com