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On Feb 15, 2005, at 2:32 PM, David Kirkdorffer wrote: > Larry - > > You have proven definitively (with the content of your reply to my > e-mail to > you) that you do not know me. Instead, you have made additional > assumptions > about me based on no real knowledge about me. This is a pity. there is no complete lack of knowledge here so i do know you, you're on the list. ain't no pity here i have no pity, like tell me, should i have pity my friend. i know you love music and yourself. i mean that in a positive way. > > Your argument is that people become lost in, or blinded even, by the > technology discussed on this Loopers-Delight list. So? Perhaps > Loopers-Delight is a place where people gather to learn more about the > capabilities of their technology, and in so doing to extend their > musical > capabilities? Perhaps this is a venue for people to learn? Learning > is not > a problem, is it? yep, looper's delight is the best place on the internet as far as a discussion group not only because i am an asshole but because you call me on it but also suggest that you think i have something to say but i am not dainty. > > First, I suggest that discussion of looping technology on this looping > list > originally created by and associated with a website that is dedicated > to > looping and looping technology should not be a surprise to you. yep, i sure know that one bubba. > > When I go to Russia, it is reasonable to me that I will hear Russian > spoken > around me. When I read posts from Loopers-Delight, it is reasonable > to me > that I might read about looping technology. I'm not surprised. I may > not > understand a lot of what I read here. I may not be as interested in > some > topics as I am in others. But I'm not surprised that on an e-list > created > by and for looping musicians, who invariably must use technology of > some > sort to accomplish their looping, that discussion of technology takes > place. you still miss my point, most of you do. let me restate it-be careful when giving someone advice on their music and especially if you are trying to shove this music in a box. i know that a lot of folks here think that i am a boxer with the box but i am free of all of these things. i have no boxes of music, just boxes of people, so pardon me if you think i have boxed you. i ain't heard your music there bubba. i try to sound like a southern person when i'm talkin'. it makes this all more comfortable that i'm talking at cha' i am trying to be constructive here and i know there was a breakdown of civility and i intentionally caused it. remember, i'm an asshole as some great scholar once said. but, and that is a big butt, this is about music and people's work. a person said something to another a thing that was not productive. the walker bros haven't listened to my cd in 7 months so some protocols have been broken. now i need to be stroked by the bros because i did such a horrifying performance and i turned it into a don rickels number with the manual and all of that. i though it was great fun but i had to absolve my vile performance. so, in human nature this causes a maladjustment in that relationship and you should give advice from the perspective of that music not yours. well here's what i would so is not the way you start a useful critique on another's music. this is important now that i have your attention. > > Indeed, because of this forum, I've been able to suggest and then > obtain two > capabilities I thought would benefit the looping technology I own. > These > capabilities are now part of the feature-set of the latest EDP > software. > So, I've used this very unique forum to shape the looping technology to > better suit my musical needs. And I'm grateful to the authors of the > EDP > software for including my requests in their product. cool > > Second, I suspect like many here, I read and subscribe to other music > related e-lists. These other lists are based around discussion of > other > topics. They each have their own "style" or "flavor" and to varying > degrees > contribute to my musical circumstances. I get musical inspiration from > other places than Loopers-Delight. As we all do. i'm a dead serious about music mother. this is all i do i live it in spite of the rest of the world, my family and my associations over house cleaning and yard work to my drinkin' buddies understand me. i'm just a musician and some people open their mouths and it just gripes me. i've messed around on this group before being an asshole but this kind of thing gets to me and this guy has been kicked off for a while. oh, please kick me off. i'm staying until i'm kicked off because it's the right place to be kicked off of or something like that. i mean chat groups are generally a waste of time but this one isn't. > > I've been reading this list off and on since 1996. Many topics have > repeated and returned over that time. Some discussions evolve and > some seem > to get stuck. Your premise that the Loopers-Delight email list talks > about > technology too much has been discussed here before. It's not > important that > so far you've not added anything new to the discussion. What is > important > is that you've raised it again. But unfortunately, your manner and > style > has killed the discussion before it really got started. More's the > pity. > Or perhaps you have another goal? i think you're getting on to me me by asking your question. i do have the goal of turning trash into a flower at this point. i've made my point. and i did say that at loopers delight there is too much talk about buttons and therefore when a musical discussion comes up, an inquiry into someone's music, they often start off in a counter productive manner like our friend did. we all have a little of that in us, you know, that self centered how do i look sort of orientation. i mean, if you talk about golf all the time how you gonna talk about art. you have no practice. Larry Cooperman New Millennium Guitar