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You may not need to replace them...the line-6 has a very clever and cheap switch system. In 99.99% of foot pedals the switch is a single unit that is usually between $3-$20 to replace. With the DL-4 the plungers on top are not switches ...just plungers... they press down onto pc-board mounted switches below. I have fixed a couple of friends DL4's when the plungers became loose and weren't pressing down far enough to hit the switch. Using the nuts on the plunger you can increase/decrease the height of the plunger (and make sure it's tightly screwed in). Hopefully that's the problem. You can tell by opening it up and pressing on the actual PC-board switch...if that works then your problem is a mechanical one...The plungers probably aren't broken (I mean, they are moving up and down right?) you just may need to adjust their height. I have also seen the problem of the pc-board switch itself wearing out. In which case you should have experience soldering small things to replace it. They are SPDT switches, but are only half used - as SPST switches. If you can find the right switch it would be a moderate solder job to replace them. Check out the link to this part - it would probably do the looks like the right form factor and operates the same.... 71 cents each. terms=688-SKQGAB&Ntt=*688SKQGAB*&N=0&crc=true Chris