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Review of Michael Klobuchar Band's "It's Almost Alive" CD

Hi all!

Michael (Nemoguitt@aol.com) Klobuchar sent me an advance CD-R copy of what he's been working on lately and . . . suitably "delighted" . . . I've decided to write a creative little review of same. Here goes:

"It's Almost Alive"
Michael Klobuchar Band CD
(Voodoo Pig Productions)

In a far flung future earth where humans are at best faintly lingering ghosts -- or at worst barely-recalled unpleasant memories -- an itinerant insectoid sound collector-archivist working for the Smithinsectonian gathers a wide-ranging collection of environmental ambiences from his transient, humming, buzzing world -- and ours. A half-dozen marvelously woozy, drunken insectoid loopscapes. These may be a tad too long for a comfortable CD listen for the average mammalian (attention-deficit afflicted) 21st century listener, but all the truly hip and earnest young jitterbugs will surely love 'em.

Skanktropolis  (9:12) Ragged and destitute mesquito-like farmers in straw hats and torn bib overalls, operate a variety of ancient rusted farm equipment and "hand" tools on their tiny patch of dust and rock at various seasons and times of day. Occasionally you can hear the distant buzz of passenger ornothopters trailing across the heavens and imagine the laborers wistfully looking up and wishing they were somewhere else.

Acirfa (10:21) Drunken boybug tries to chat up disinterested girlbug in a sugarwater speakeasy in metropolitan Madagascar. Also heard is a bit of contemporary insect music and bug sporting event audio from a nearby TV monitor.

Headfoneson (9:03) Larval sounds from an industrial nursery where the young wait to "hatch" while they listen to the sounds of their mechanized "hive" and are stimulated by the strains of insectoid classical music.

Flyin' to Santa Cruz (13:46) Our intrepid researcher time-travels to a place called Santa Cruz in the early early years of the 21st century and lurks as the proverbial "fly on the wall" at something called a "Loopfest." The archaic sounds of the unknown human performer give insight to that strange and distant mammalian world. The veracity of the listening experience is so starkly compelling it's as though you're almost hearing the very subconscious thoughts of the "alien" musician as he plays. This is the single most amazing track in the collection -- if I had to pick a favorite -- and well worth the price of the CD.

Before After (11:58) Sounds from an insectoid train station waiting area. Hear impatient travelers mutter, children play, janitors sweep, announcement bells ring, and unemployed bug musicians busk in the lonely off-hour emptiness of the huge railway hall.

G'in on da Sound (10:25) Here we are treated to backstage visit at a late-night bug-jazz cutting session at the hottest gin-joint on the planet with the famous Gypsy Moth guitarist and his "Hot Combo Doo Du Jazz." The headliner is truly amazing. You'd swear he was playing with eight legs instead of only six.

Seriously (all creative pseudo-narrative review aside) there is some really amazing stuff here. Devotees of Michael's guitar playing will find tasty meat in track 6 in particular. Those that love his derelict singing and twisted sense of humor will love track 4 especially. Fans of creative, loopy sound-scaping will find much to admire in the remaining bulk of these tracks. The whole thing is waaaay loose, whacky and alternately foreboding and charming.
Michael Klobuchar is a dark musical visionary with a bright (if however bent) sense of humor. Who knows where he'll take us next?

Best regards,

tEd ® kiLLiAn

"Different is not always better, but better is always different"


Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at: Apple iTunes,
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RuleRadio, EMEPE3, Sony Connect, CatchMusic, Puretracks,
and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???

"Just because nobody understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."