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LISTENINGS: David Coffin's Reaktor 4 as Guitar FX demo

i've listened to this many many times and i can't remember if we exhanged discs back in '03 or '04, getting brain dead as i get older....
i really listened to this b/c there was lots of talk on the list about Reaktor being used, and i was fascinated by what could be done w/ computer processing programs, one reason for me is it's pretty foreign to me, since i use cheap outboard gear.
There are 21 tracks on this disc that's about 42 min long, so many short little tracks (good for the attention deficit folks like myself). One track mentions use of a VG-8 for some processing, but not sure if it is used on all tracks. The main thing that he explores on this is the filtering fx, some intereing pitchshifting, delay effects, and reverb. His cheat sheet mentions Reaktor using some classic effect touchstones as the Eventide, Vortex, and a Kaoss like effect. The one thing that it does is make a guitar sound very much not like a guitar, which I love. He states that he chose the fx that were his faves, and that there were more weird effects and of course more run of the mill options. i can't imagine stuff sounding much weirder than what he presented on this demo (i mean that in a good way). One of the main thing that struck me was some of the passages had a  real atmosphere sound to them w/ the reverb programs, which i've always heard people who have/used eventide processors talk about. the reverb definately was beyond anything my mpx100 can do. He also did some very inventive filter explorations. At times it has a feeling of taking a digital delay with time at zero, and repeat at infinite and the graininess that has, but for the most part some impressive stuff. Real watery sounding filters. It still doesn't have the full analog filter feeling of what i've heard from the electrix filter factory or the sherman filter tank, but it is better than my digitech synthwah and my alesis ineko (but both are budget boxes). one other thing is that most of the "guitar tones" are kept to a clean sound to my ear, and i think that was done on purpose to show what Reaktor could do in his demos, I didn't hear any real distorted tones ala Marshall stack or Mesa Boogie dual rectifier even in digital mode (those are 2 tones i over use in my digital preamp in some of my loop explorations).
again love listening to this, and it probably has to do w/ the fact that my computer time is very limited, so i'm unable to listen to any mp3 posts of others who have done explorations in this.
i'm sure this is the future of music production, and i'm always going to be old school in a way.
definitely interesting stuff....s---

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