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Re: 220V power supply for a Boomerang?

I've used a US Line6 adator (the type that works with the old-style
modeling pedals), and it works fine, but neither the Godlyke not the
Visual Sound supplies configured for a Line6 box (using their tip
adaptors) works with the Boomerang.  It looks like it's working--the
light comes on in the normal manner when you power up, and if you hit
record the light goes bright and blinks at would be the beginning of
the loop, but there's no audio in the loop, and there's a loud hum at
all times.

Going back to the original Boomerang power supply or the Line6 box
works just fine.  I may just have to pick up a UK Line6 adaptor.  I'm
in the US right now, so all the above testing is on US power.


On 5/14/05, Ian Petersen <iep@mail.dk> wrote:
> Travis,
> > Anyone have any experience with a 220V power supply for the Boomerang?
> The power supply from a POD works with the Boomerang. Note, it needs an
> 9V/700mA AC power supply - not DC as is more common. Luckily I had
> another AC wallwart lying around that worked so I could use the POD and
> 'rang at the same time!
> --
>   Ian Petersen