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The PiNG presents Sylken with General Chaos Visuals

THE AMBiENT PiNG   http://www.theambientping.com
Wednesdays @ HACiENDA - 794 Bathurst Street at Bloor
(directly across from the Bathurst subway station) - Toronto
Doors open at 9pm - 1st set at 9:30 - PayWhatYouCan

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This Wednesday June 8th - Sylken with Genereal Chaos Visuals

Sylken (Eric Hopper), Anomalous Disturbances (Terry O'Brien, 
visiting from Vancouver) and URM (Jamie Todd of dreamSTATE) team up
to bring you an evening of looping ambient guitar cascades, spacey 
synth washes, rhythmic grooves and virtual laptop soundshaping.
Join Sylken at THE AMBiENT PiNG to bask in some liquid sonic paintings,
spacious atmos and ambient vibes to float your mind on. The evening's
eye-candy projections will be provided by General Chaos Visuals.
http://sylken.ca   http://www.anomalousdisturbances.com
http://www.urm.ca  http://www.generalchaosvisuals.com

Between Sets CD - "Somewhere Else" by Steve Roach & vidnaObmana
We didn't get a chance to play this last week - so we'll try again!
"Somewhere Else" is a 71 minute piece from the limited edition
three CD Box set "Ascension Of Shadows" which was recorded live
in vidnaObmana's studio in Belgium during a European visit by Roach.
http://www.steveroach.com   http://www.vidnaobmana.be

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Coming Wednesday June 15th - John Kameel Farah and Pholde
http://www.johnfarah.com   http://www.pholde.com

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||: IN THE LOOP :||  by Luna Tek

On Wednesday, June 1st, Thinkbox, the self-curating media collective
from the Windsor-Detroit area, presented two solo sets folowed by a
combined improvisation to conclude their night at THE AMBiENT PiNG.

Sound & video artist Steve Roy started things off with a glitch-oriented 
set. Incorporating beats and stretched-out vocal samples, Steve pursued
his fascination with the possibilities of bass sine tones by using
envelopes, delays & chopper effects to vary the rhythms.

Chris McNamara was scheduled to perform with Thinkbox tonight but was
unable to attend. Instead, his video art, originally conceived as
large-scale projection for gallery exhibition, provided the visual
ambience with vibrant street scenes that matched the techno tempo of
Steve's soundscapes. Other of Chris's sound/video works were played
between the sets.

Mark Laliberte's solo set featured textural designs that were at times
lyrical. Mark's specific approach to live performance is largely
improvisational. Using a laptop with the latest software for a
controlled performance, he mixes things up with low-tech effects
to achieve a fluid response to the moment.

More info on the Thinkbox collective at 
http://www.thinkbox.ca    http://www.marklaliberte.com

Luna Tek  -  luna@theambientping.com

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rik maclean's *ping things* CD Reviews

"Autumn's Apple" by Darshan Ambient

With the release of "Autumn's Apple" on Ben Cox's Lotuspike label,
Darshan Ambient have created an engaging collection of tunes well
suited for cool lounges and mornings after the night before. It's
a fine example of chilled elegance & it's fast become one of my
favorite releases of the year.

>From start to finish, "Autumn's Apple" is a delight both sonically
and emotionally. One can't help but be drawn into it's charms from
the gradual build of pads and tones that blend together to create a
slow melody underscored by cool beatz in opener "Azure Day", through
the elegant grooves of "Rain Parade" where revolving chimes interplay
with minimal piano, to the closing track "Man in the Window" using
wooden percussion and vocals offset by a descending progression.
Tones ebb and flow throughout the soundfield, musical phrases loop
in and around themselves to create a latticework of woven beauty,
and melodies both simple and complex play throughout the disc in a
delicate yet groovy way while oblique motion plays underneath it all.  
Everything is all so carefully planned, so intricately crafted, so 
intimately related. It's all truly blissful.

I love an album that fits in nicely with the slow sort of waking that
comes  on Sunday mornings, the kind of waking where you drift in and
out of reality, one foot each in the dream- and material-worlds.
"Autumn's Apple" is a perfect disc for that kind of duality,
a perfect disc to straddle that kind of consciousness.

rik maclean - rik@pingthings.com

http://www.pingthings.com = ambient + electronic + chill things

Send an e-mail to pingthings-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
for updates on *all* the latest releases on sale at ping things

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THE AMBiENT PiNG is a social sound/art event presenting
live performances by Toronto's finest ambient, chillout, improv
and experimental music artists plus performers from across
the continent, every Wednesday evening at HACiENDA -
794 Bathurst Street at Bloor. http://www.theambientping.com

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Please forward this e-mail to any friends who may be interested
in live ambient, chillout and experimental music performances
or to any of your appropriate newsgroups. Thanks.