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LOOPING T-Shirts for sale

The discussion about looping t-shirts makes me want to let
people know that there are still Y2K3 and Y2K4 International Live Looping 
T-shirts for sale.

Last year knowing that I had lost money on the shirts the year before
(and please somebody chime in with how nice they look.........<smile>)
I made everyone pre-order the t-shirts so I wouldn't take such a financial

Unfortunately a whole lot of people who preordered them never paid for them
so I lost money again.   I sent out emails but didn't get replies.  So 
for trust, eh?

If anyone reading this is feeling a pang of guilt,  please be kind and 
contact me; send me
the dough and I'll send you shirts.

This year if I risk it again,  I'll insist that anyone who wants one will 
need to
pay me in advance for them, but in the meantime,  I have a few for sale.

E-mail me off list if you'd like to buy one.    They are $10 each on the 
clearance rack
and all donations are kindly accepted.   They cost $12 if you use paypal 
$15 if you are
out of the United States.    If anyone contacts me with a preorder, 
still be $15 each
as that's what we agreed to originally.

thanks,  Rick Walker