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RE: Echoplex Footpedal not responding

Funny example: I setup my Behringer to control my EDPs, and was all
jacked because I could do half speed, etc....in fact, Travis, I was
playing at Smokey Mountain Pizza the week after you. I started to plug
in my MIDI cable into the Behringer and it jammed....#$&!@*!$!  Spent 20
minutes trying to figure it out, sweating bullets, and luckily had my
EDP controller with me. However, I had to spend another 5 minutes
bringing up an email on my laptop with the settings to program my EDP
back to work with the EDP controller....sweating even more bullets, like
a Gatling gun, in fact.  At this point, the thought swimmed across my
mind for a nano-second...if I only had my old Boss RC-20 or Boomerang
right now. I said this as my laptop rebooted and played the Microsoft
Windows intro sound at a freakin' 120 db through my PA...scared the shit
out of me and the audience...almost made me sick, in fact, because that
sound just makes me think of work. :)  Then the EDPs were acting up big
time...when I hit the record button to end/start a loop, it would make a
huge leap in volume, again, scaring the shit out of me and the
audience....odd bug with the EDPs, actually.  I fixed it after powering
down and up the EDPs one more time.  Okay, I'm 20 minutes into the gig,
and I am so discombobulated that I lose all my creative inspiration and
end up playing boring jazz progressions for the remainder of the set,
noodling over those as I curse under my breath.....JUST to get me to my
set break. Ahhhhh....gulped down a few free pints of dark beer, sat
down, and all is a peace with the world. Let the real improv begin!!!
I'll teach you gear....loop this shit.

Cripes, I love EDPs and looping. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Travis Hartnett [mailto:travishartnett@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:54 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Echoplex Footpedal not responding

Nothing's "perfect" on stage.  I've done hundreds of shows with the EDP
foot controller and it's been quite acceptable.  I have MIDI controllers
that also get unreliable when they get dirt in the contacts, and I've
had them drop memory right before a show.  I even have to retune my
guitar every few songs, but I'm still using it.

I've had more EDP failures due to thermal issues on warm stages (and no
more than a dozen of those over many years) than I've had
non-recoverable footcontroller issues.  If the Behringer works for you,
great, but this FUD regarding the EDP foot controller is unwarranted.


On 8/31/02, Adrian Bartholomew <adrian@bartholomusic.com> wrote:
> 1---u need PERFECTION onstage. period. reliability is key. who wants 
> to be embarrased or have to compromise creativity? anything less.... 
> is a "bad" design, whatever the reason. 2---if u dont have floorspace 
> for the edp pedal, u wont have it for the 1010 either. neither will 
> fit into any conventional pedalbox. design and adapt to what u need 
> for ur act.
> ___
> Adrian Bartholomew
> Leawood KS
> On Aug 31, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Travis Hartnett wrote: