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Andy said, > Markus was a loop4 beta tester, so there's every chance you now have a beta version. > In which case, Markus probably has an unused set of LoopIV 1.1 chips >which he really ought to send you :-) Markus sent me a box of chips ... I finally put them in ... but the version number displayed on boot isn't "Loop IV 1.1" but "Loop 3 5.0". And the new insert modes aren't displayed. And putting a feedback pedal in doesn't change anything. Ack! Seems I still have an old version. "Loop3" sounds like an old version although "5.0" sounds "new" but I guess this is a subversion number or something. Is there a listing of the EDP versions that exist, and their features? Markus - I still have your EDP and you have mine - which version does my EDP show? I think it also says "Loop 3 5.0". Kim - I seem to remember that I ordered the newest version when it came out quite a while ago - do you have records of that? maybe I actually missed the latest version. -Michael