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Info on eh16 second upgrade

Just got off the phone with EH in NYC. here's the scoop on the upgrade to
the EH16 second delay they are offering.

It is a software upgrade (which is why they need to do it in house - it's
not via midi or a chip). It gives you the ability to turn off the count in
entirely when you slide the coarse slider all the way to the top at
>32. This also now allows you to step on record to start the loop and step
on Play to stop it manuall. The loop will automatically loop when you do

If you want to have the count it simply turn the coarse liser to anything
but the top >32 mode and it's back.

Now the only catch is the Fine slider STILL is the internal clock and this
is spitting out midi sync at the clock to the pedal NOT the Start/Stop you
manally stomp in in this new mode. So you cannot use it like a jamman
setting both the loop and syncing it to spit out midi clock at your tempo.

I suppose the idea is you use the click (or a metronome/beat on your midi
box) to know what the tempo is and then you can start/stop from there
manually. It's not perfect for sloppy/crazy imrpoov players (ie: like me 
:))) but eliminating the count in and letting you manually start stop is
FAR better than the original feature where you HAD to wait and then sync
with the box.

The upgrade also adds true two octave pitch shifting so if you leave the
slider in the middle position you cann now slide one ocatve UP and one
Down. THAT is very cool.

Cost is $35 in the US including return shipping. They said they are just
getting the word out and haven't done many but they expect they will only
keep them there a day or two so turnaround is reasonable with any delay
being from the travel time during the holiday season. You don't need an
RMA# just send it to New Seson in Long Island "attn" 16 second updage"

I'm sending mine in this week. Will keep everyone posted.

Really looking forward to taking control of my loop destiny. THANKS to the
list members who posted this!


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