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Heya gang, Not that you couldn't go get this info with a bit of browsing, but I've compiled all of the things I could find here and at Bob's site into a blog post at my blog site. You're invited to come by and take a look if you want a condensed version of what we know so far. I have Bob's blessing on this (thanks Bob!). There's also a chance that I'll be doing a phone interview with Bob sometime in the near future, and presenting that as an audioblog entry/podcast. Maybe even a series of interviews as the LP1 develops. No promises on that just yet - but I think we can figure something out. You're welcome to email me offlist if there are things you'd like to see addressed in an interview like that. Definitely planning some phone interviews with other loopstars from the list. I'll leave you in suspense on that one :) Also, if you snoop around, you'll see that I'm in the beta testing stages of an interesting musician's online community at the root of my domain ( It's just getting started, but if you read through it and like what you see, feel free to sign up and even post some of your music in the appropriate category. I'll post about this to the list again very soon, once I get all of the features fully tested and online. Loop on, loopsters. Doug