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RE: OT: Small/Light Acoustic Guitar Amps

I actually have a pair of JBL Eon G2's with the 10" woofer. I really like them for their power and clarity. I know the Mackies spec out a bit better, but they're also a little more than a bit more expensive. The G2 10" is fine by itself for my various flutes and wind instruments. However, when I would set up a very deep, bassy drone on my wind-controlled synth and looped it through my Lexicon JamMans, the bottom end would tend to get a little muddy sometimes. So, I added a small, 200Watt sub-woofer, and this combination seems to handle everything just right. 
I looked at the Eon's with the 15", but they were heavier, just hernias with handles. But the Eon G2 10s are light weight, which saves my not-as-young-as it-used-to-be back, small enough to use in very small venues like coffeehouses, and yet loud enough to cover a couple of hundred folks in a medium-sized hall when they're up on stands.

Richard Roberts

"We are no longer the same after hearing certain sounds, and this is more the case when we hear organized sounds, sounds organized by another human being: music."  
- Karlheinz Stockhausen

On Aug 10, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Loopers-Delight-d-request@loopers-delight.com wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Larson" <jeff.larson@sailpoint.com>

To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:03 PM

Subject: RE: OT: Small/Light Acoustic Guitar Amps

From: Krispen Hartung

What am I getting in a boutique acoustic guitar amp for $1000

that I am  not getting in a decent powered full range PA speaker?

I've also become interested in this recently.  The JBL EON10 G2

looked nice, but I was thinking of getting two of them for stereo

which would be more than I want to spend.  I saw the Roland CM-30

CUBE Monitor which is cheap enough to get two, but it only has 6.5"

speakers.  Does anyone have any experience with these?
