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Re: Mobius and Live (was "questions to Claude")

On 14 aug 2006, at 16.52, Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill wrote:

> Mobius god Per has reported something similar on
> the Mobius group, but for him some hideous trick (like setting 8ths  
> per
> cycle first to one, then recording a short loop, settings 8ths per  
> cycle to
> 8 and then recording a new loop) worked around this.

Not quite correct. I was actually able to get rid of that stuttering  
by only using the setting "8ths Per Cycle = 16".

I now use a different approach and never experience stuttering. I  
always set the Switch Quantize to "cycle", Quantize Mode to  
"Subcycle" and use different 8ths Per Cycle settings depending on  
which timing measure I'm playing in (16 for 4/4, 10 for 5/4, 12 for  
6/8 and 14 for 7/8). I noticed that some of these non-4/4 timings  
give that stuttering, but it only happens to Track one: the "Sync  
Master Track". So I work around that issue by using, for my "first  
loop", a script that when going out of recording mode mutes the track  
and copies the loop to the next track and also selects that track. So  
whatever bad stuttering will happen on that old Sync Master Track no  
one's gonna hear it.

I like this concept a lot, because as a free gift it gives you a back- 
up of the global tempo. This means you are free to trash the sync  
timing as much as you want on all tracks, doing un-quantized cuts, re- 
tunings and bizarre stuff. You can always get back to the initially  
correct "first loop" length by simply selecting the muted first track  
and then selecting an empty track (I use this pref setting; create a  
new one cycle empty loop when selecting a track in Reset Mode.... or  
whatever that's called).

This all, above, is written according to the standalone version of  

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)
http://tinyurl.com/fauvm (podcast)