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Re: RE : ball droppings

Mac OSX does not allow you to telnet localhost to see the numbers.

But a simple perl script that you can run in a terminal will let you  
see them. This script loops until it manages to connect to the given  
Once we figure out what the numbers spit out "mean" we could map them  
to arbitrary MIDI events (extending the script below) to control your  
EDP or Moebius or Repeater and do things like CL0D recently posted  


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use File::Basename;

my $gProgName = basename $0;
my $gHostname = shift @ARGV;

die "Usage: $gProgName <hostname>" unless defined $gHostname;

my $gSocket;

do {
   $gSocket = new IO::Socket::INET (
    PeerAddr => $gHostname, PeerPort => 6668,
    Type => SOCK_STREAM,
} until defined $gSocket;

print "connection to $gHostname succeeded.";

print while(<$gSocket>);

On Aug 16, 2006, at 21:42 :15, Jeff Larson wrote:

> From: 1000times [mailto:frenchloops@free.fr]
>> now, who is going to find the best way of making it play loopslike
> stuff
> The web site describes an option to direct position and trigger events
> to a TCP socket rather than doing internal sound generation.  Other
> applications can then monitor this socket and convert the events into
> other things like sample trigger or MIDI events.  There apparently is
> a Max patch to generate MIDI events, pictures of it are shown here:
>    http://www.balldroppings.com/tcpip.html
> So come on you Max hackers, get on it! :-)
> The source code is supposedly available, though the link was stale.
> It should be relatively easy to modify it to generate MIDI events
> natively without having to involve Max.
> Jeff