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Re: OT: Stereo audio routing question...

I forgot to mention that I need it in rack form or
else at mixer may do it.  Maybe I'm asking too much
and need to rethink things.

--- Todd Pafford <calenlas@gmail.com> wrote:

> From your description, I'd say that a decent mixer
> is probably
> overkill for what you want to do and certainly a
> pricier piece of gear
> like a Switchblade is a waste of money.
> It seems to me that you'd want a mixer with the
> following characteristics:
>  - at least 4 stereo line level inputs
>  - at least 1 stereo aux send (&return) for the
> effects loop
> At that point, you've got full control of which
> inputs (your
> instruments) are going to the final outputs and how
> much of each is
> being routed to the aux send (your effects).
> I'd imagine the following would be examples of
> mixers that would suit your need:
>  - Behringer Eurorack UB2222 Mixer
>  - Behringer Eurorack Pro RX1602 Line Mixer
> The sticking point may be a stereo aux send as I
> think most aux sends
> are mono.  Of course, you can run two mono aux sends
> and treat them as
> a stereo pair.  Otherwise, there's no reason you
> couldn't use the
> monitor out as a send, re-routing it back to an
> empty stereo input (or
> pair of mono inputs.)  Just beware feedback loops
> caused by sending
> your return back out the effects loop.
> Todd
> On 9/8/06, mark sottilaro
> <zerocrossing2001@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > OK... I'm now thinking that my need for a mixer
> > (thanks Stan!) may have been not all I need.  I
> think
> > what I need is a router/switcher as well.  Please
> > don't say "Switchblade" as that's way out of my
> price
> > range although it looks like a perfect solution. 
> Is
> > there a poor man's switchblade?
> >
> > Here's my setup.  Tell me how you'd do it.  I've
> got 4
> > stereo line level instruments.  I only need to
> hear
> > one at a time... more would be fine but not all
> that
> > important.  I want the ability to A) Choose one to
> > monitor and B) Choose whether or not it's routed
> > through a true stereo effects loop. (none of this
> mono
> > out, stereo in)
> >
> > Mostly I want to do this because I'm having a ball
> > playing guitar with a sustainac while messing with
> the
> > tone using an AirFX and/or a Korg KAOSS pad, but I
> > don't want it in line all the time and I'd like
> the
> > ability to route other instruments to them from
> time
> > to time.  The reason I say no to the switchblade
> is
> > that for the money I'd actually be able to buy
> > additional AirFX's and KAOSS pads and a Sustainiac
> C
> > for my second guitar... but that's getting silly. 
> Any ideas?
> >
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