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To entirely avoid clicks: I route an EV5 pedal to trigger record and play when at or near the "toe" position. Perfectly quiet. It is all done in max/ you'd have to use a laptop. best, Jeff Jeff Kaiser • On Sep 27, 2006, at 11:06 PM, Ferrara Brain Pan wrote: > I just ordered the switches Travis recommended from Mouser (EDP > replacement switches made by > Mountain Switch)... I haven't heard how they sound, but I'll give them > a shot... If it's still too > loud to use for live-miked acoustic instruments, then I will just sell > this whole stupid 2880 and > the foot pedal and all the CF cards I bought on eBay... I'm sure some > electronic looping musician > could get some decent use out ot it, but I guess until I hear from > someone that there is a looper > with a foot controller that doesn't make noise, I am an acoustic > musician who is just out of luck > (I suppose I could also tape a contact mic to my horn instead of using > a free standing dynamic or > condensor mic - it would sound like crap but at least it wouldn't pick > up the clickety click of > the looper)...