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Can you believe it? This little web site and mailing list I started is now 10 years old! Come help us celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of Looper's Delight! Here is the web page with details and a lovely poster: Friday, October 20, 2006, 8pm Orbis Nex, 851 81st Ave, Unit 217, Oakland, CA, USA (dial 200 at the door) $5 donation at the door, BYOB. This is part of the Y2K6 International Live Looping Festival: Featuring performances by: Per Boysen, Rainer Straschill, Bill Walker, MIR-O, Michael Klobuchar, Jeff Kaiser, Krispen Hartung, Amy X Neuburg, Ryusei Hatori, Mando Man, and Rick Walker! We are going to pair up performers into duos for completely unique musical experiences. It's going to be fantastic fun! Come join us if you can! Huge thanks to Rick Walker for putting all of this together. thanks Rick! kim ______________________________________________________________________ Kim Flint | Looper's Delight |