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Re: Suggestion about looping gear

Then the DD-20 (I looper that I own and love) will not
work for you at all.  Why?  No device can loop
perfectly forever unless it can sync to a MIDI clock. 
You'll get drift.  It sneeks up on you pretty fast and
very quickly you will not have a loop that is synced
to your drums.

Devices that do sync to a drum machine do exist.  A
few that come to mind that are still in production are
are the Gibson Echoplex Digital Pro, the
Electro-harmonix 2880 and the new Boss RC-50
Loopstation, though reports say the Loopstation not
all that good at being a slave to your drum machine's
MIDI clock. (something you need to make perfectly
synced loops)  Also, for deluxe goodness there's the
Looperlative which also syncs well to MIDI clock.

My favorite hardware looper is still the Eletrix
Repeater, but it's long out of production, but I'm
estimating that v2 will be released by Electrix in the
year 2112.  If you can find one on ebay I say get one.

A good number of us, including me, have abandoned
dedicated hardware and have gone to software based
looping.  The software (Mobius) is free, but by the
time you've purchased a laptop and audio interface and
midi controller you've dropped a least $1500.  Get a
fast machine with a lot of ram.  If you have all this
already, then you're set.  Go to
http://www.zonemobius.com and download.  It's great. 
PC only.  Shame nothing like it exists for the Mac,
but but Augustus Loop is pretty damn fun.

Good luck,


--- weaviestonder <weaviestonder@hotmail.it> wrote:

That is why I need perfect timing control over my
loops: they need tobe perfectly synchronized with the
drum track I run in the background.

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