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Re: Suggestion about looping gear

I've heard great music being made with both of those
devices, so you can't go too wrong.  Good luck.  I
know I blather on and on about high end hardware and
softwre loopers, but I still get great fun out of the
8 sec looper that comes with my Vox Tonelab SE and my


--- weaviestonder <weaviestonder@hotmail.it> wrote:

Thanks a lot Mark! This is very helpful. Now I am
considering buying aPC laptop, just like you (and so
many people ou there) I haven't got2000+ euro for a
MacBook Pro, I may actually get a powerful 2MHz,
2GBRAM, 120 GB HD PC and decide to trust XP Pro...Yet,
expect to befurther bothered about tweaks and tricks

I am going to try out both an RC 20 XL and DD-20 which
I have seen at areasonable price. The rest is sort of
out of reach for my present budget:(
I'll let you guys know how things work out. Thanks
everyone for helpingme with this, I hope one day I
will have some more knowledge to sharewith the wise
community and just not get info out of you guys, but
alsohelp someone out myself too. 

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