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Re: Ambient Walkman: Odd take on a potentially physicalyl looped instrument?

The first looping application that comes to my mind
with this gizmo would involve patching it into a
portable minidisc or flash recorder and editing the
results later.

Or: you could connect it to a battery-powered looper
(DL-4, RC-20 et al) and THEN into a portable recorder,
loop in real time while walking around and edit the
recording later.

Michael Klobuchar's 'Jacket With Many Pockets' would
come in handy for this!


--- RICK WALKER <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:

> This guy at MIT has developed a walkman with
> binaural microphones attached 
> to it
> that uses a chip which makes the ambient sound
> vocode synthetic sounds so 
> that
> everything you listen to creates music as you walk
> around.
> http://web.media.mit.edu/~nvawter/thesis/index.html

'Rantai' CD: <http://cdbaby.com/cd/timnelson1>
'Mesh' CD: <http://cdbaby.com/cd/timnelson2>
Chain Tape Collective: <http://www.ct-collective.com/>

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