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Re: New CD Release: "Fragments"

Kris congrads on releasing a body of work, always a major feeling.  I'll be happy to trade you a copy of my last official solo recording "Stories My Guitar Told Me" if you are open, would also extend that offer to anyone else on the list with new or current work they might want to trade.  I've done 3 official solo guitar CD's more acoustic in nature than experimental, the latter being new directions meaning the genre.  I will say "Stories..." was moving in technical directions for me...
Anyhow cheers to all - hope to meet some of you at the upcoming NAMM show in Anaheim, looking fwd to who all will be at the Sunday gathering...
Sad about Mr B just read the UK obit...

On 1/15/07, mech <mech@m3ch.net> wrote:
At 10:35 PM -0700 1/14/07, Krispen Hartung wrote:
>This new CD release is a collection of songs I have been sitting on
>for some time, but just haven't had the chance to design the CD,
>package them, and get it out.  Here it is, at last...probably the
>last CD you'll see from me for a while that isn't entirely off the
>deep end (next stop is planet Mars).

Dig!  Congrats on another fine release, Kris!

>  I'll send free copies out to the first five people who reply to this email.

/me raises hand.  :)


"Now Simulcast on Crazy People's Fillings"

The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin  - http://www.jimgoodin.com
MySpace (solo) - http://www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic
MySpace (EoW) - http://www.myspace.com/eastofwhere
Acoustic World Guitar podcast series - http://jimgoodinmusic.libsyn.com
The Language of 3, an introspective performance concept in acoustic music - http://www.languageof3.com
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls - http://www.woodandwiremusic.com
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - http://www.ghsstrings.com and Seagull Guitars - http://www.seagullguitars.com, Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - http://www.melbay.com

Associates and friends on the web -
Adam Werner - http://www.adamwerner.com
John Stowell - http://www.johnstowell.com
Matt Richards - http://www.mattrichardsmusic.net
Michael Manring - http://www.manthing.com
Will Ackerman - http://www.williamackerman.com
New Land Music - http://www.newlandmusic.com