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At 10:41 PM -0800 1/16/07, Veda, Qua wrote: > >I'm really new to looping and related technology. I'd appreciate >ideas, feedback on this concept for a live performance. > >In a live performance, I'd like to create a groove like you'd hear >in electronica/dance DJ music. Perhaps ~4 loop layers , and then >let it continue to loop/play as a background for live Stick playing. >I've heard dance grooves that use all kinds of interesting 'found >sounds' , voice clips, beats etc , that end up creating a kind of >drone that could serve as background to play over. > >What do you think? How would you go about creating the groove >layers I've described? Qua, Here's a resource: run ( yes, run; do not walk, do not pass go, yadda yadda yadda) quickly over to Rick Walker's site -- -- and grab any or all of his CD's. Rick's been putting together looped grooves using only various found objects/sounds for years now. He's a regular contributor to the list and is very forthcoming with his tools and techniques. What tricks you can't get from the liner notes or his website, I'm sure he'll be willing to answer with just a quick email. My favorite is (still) Purple Hand, but I've also a soft spot for Translucent Dayglo Lime Green Plastic. And Faux Voix is a great example of what can be done by applying similar techniques to voice. Speaking of voice, you might also skip over to the Ableton site, and check out the live beatboxing video by Kid Beyond ( ). I don't know if you're inclined toward using a mic to lay down some grooves, but he's got some great technique for putting together backing drums and sfx on the fly by Live Looping. That should get you started, at the very least. :) --m. -- _______ "Now Simulcast on Crazy People's Fillings"