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The AM/FM Show Playlist for March 10, 2007


I host the Saturday AM/FM Show every other week where I play electronic,
ambient, spacemusic, Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other
genres.  The show airs from 6:00 am to 8:00 am on WMUH Allentown, 91.7
FM and on the internet.  I also host Afterglow every Thursday from 8:00
am to 9:30 am.

                Show #104                March 10, 2006.

During Phase I of this show, I continued the special on the sampler CDs
that come with each issue of E-dition electronic music magazine.

Phase I/Space:

ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ==============================
VA [The Redundant    Forgotten            E-dition #12 (Groove)
VA [Broekhuis,       The Beginning        E-dition #12 (Groove)
  Keller, and Schonwalder]
VA [[`ramp]]         Spinegrinder         E-dition #12 (Groove)
VA [Tony Andersen]   Echo Valley          E-dition #12 (Groove)
VA [Stephen Parsick] Der Reverend         E-dition #12 (Groove)
[`ramp]              The Warsaw Disaster  Looking Back In Anger
Parallel Worlds      Different Pathways   Obsessive Surrealism (DiN)

Phase II/Eclectic:

ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ==============================
David Findlay        Wind Song            Delightful Voyages (none)
Joe Frawley          Cabin Fever          Tangerine (none)
Joe Frawley          Death By Water       Tangerine (none)
Joe Frawley          X + Y                Tangerine (none)
Joe Frawley          The House Was Full   Tangerine (none)
                       of Books
Joe Frawley          Coda                 Tangerine (none)

Phase III/Progressive Rock:

ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ==============================
No Rules             Locked in a Soulcage Where We Belong (none)
Electric Kompany     ZRM                  Electric Kompany (none)
Daryl Stuermer       Masala Mantra        Go (InsideOut)
Daryl Stuermer       Ying Yang Boogie     The Electric Collection
                                            (Unicorn Digital)
Alan Morse           The Rite of Left     Four O'clock and Hysteria
Alan Morse           Chroma               Four O'clock and Hysteria
T.A.O.               Run Away             The Abnormal Observations
                                            (Unicorn Digital)

 * = excerpt
++ = Advanced CDR from artist
VA = Various Artists (compilation)

I return to the AM/FM Show on March 24.

On the next show, I will continue the special on the sampler CDs that 
come with
each issue of E-dition electronic music magazine.

Host of the AM/FM Show every other Saturday at 6:00 am EST (GMT-5:00).
Phase 1: Electronic, ambient, and space music to bring you back from
"Beyond the Barriers."
Phase 2: Mixed bag of acoustic, electric, pop, or New Age.
Phase 3: Progressive rock from past masters to contemporary releases.
Web Site - http://soundscapes.us/amfm
Listen to WMUH Allentown locally at 91.7 FM or on-line at
http://www.muhlenberg.edu/wmuh and click the
REAL AUDIO link or go directly to
Playlists are also published at http://billfox.blogspot.com
RSS (2.0) feed from http://billfox.blogspot.com/rss.xml
Atom (0.3) feed from http://billfox.blogspot.com/atom.xml
The progdj list is the central clearing house for radio playlists of
Progressive Rock programs. Tired of joining dozens of mailing lists to
post playlists or track airplay?  The progdj list solves that problem.

The progdj list is the place to go in order to see playlists and CD
and concert reviews by DJs of progressive rock-friendly radio
programs. Anyone interested in seeing playlists can join. There is NO
SPAM because I keep the spammers out before the members ever see any
hint of it.

The progdj list is for DJs (obviously!) and band members, record label
personnel, promoters, managers, and anyone else interested in seeing
what gets played on the air. Need to find who is playing prog on the
radio? Go to the progdj list.

To join, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/progdj and click on the
[Join This Group!] link.