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Re: The Word is Out! Sell Your EDP's!

(I've never known Yahoo to start playing a video on its main page.)
I don't think I said it did, did I, ye of the dry (attempted) wit.
Hahaha. I think I remember all the nasty comments about the guy that did the Boss demo of the RC-50. Gimme a fuckin' break.
As I implied, though. It's just another example of some kid's parents dough that financed his "collection" of gear. I've known plenty of those types. In fact, I still have a couple of their "albums" that I save as a kind of music house of horrors (one from my ex-boss's kid that had to be an example of the worst crap ever promulgated on an unsuspecting public - next to American Idol applicants, of course).
And, just for the record, I'm a looper that doesn't do drone-y stuff (currently). I play mostly typically-structured rock with extended solos. Hence, I have no problem with 'traditional' rock or soul.

Jon Southwood <jsouthwood@gmail.com> wrote:
I've never known Yahoo to start playing a video on its main page.

I'm surprised at the vitriol expended on this kid's video, though. An 11 yr-old who's fairly competent on a handful of instruments uses looping to cover a James Brown song, while hamming it up. Let's break it down:

- 11 yrs old --- there are plenty of vids on YouTube of adults with less skillz than this kid
- Covering a JB song --- this is prolly the biggest offense, right? I mean live looping should only be reserved for a small handful of music types: the ephemeral improvisation, sound sculpture, drone+noodle (aka frippertronics), reichian minimalism, and guitar-turntablism...right out are: jazzer vamp+noodle (jazzer vamp != fripp drone), pop song structures, and above all--*cover* tunes. Let's face it, we should be thankful there are 11 yr olds who know who JB is, let alone are interested in playing his music. It could've been a looping cover of a Paris Hilton song.
- hamming it up --- G-d forbid someone using a looper exhibits stage presence

Before I get accused of being an improvisation-sound-sculputure-frippertronic-reich-turntablism-avant-garde-bleep-bloop hater, know that I've done more than my fair share of ebow-saturated drone+noodles and reichian minimalist pieces, some free improv, some sound sculpture, and much of my chamber music could certainly fall into the bleep/bloop category.

Yeah, an 11 yr old's brand of hamming it up can be a bit annoying, but if someone played the hell out of that song while shoe-gazing, it would suck far worse than what that kid did.


Jon Southwood

On 3/21/07, Paul Richards <paulrichard10@adelphia.net> wrote:
Actually, it was presented on Yahoo's main page when I went to Yahoo. I didn't specifically LOOK for this ham.

'Wonder how much his parents spent on all those music gear items to allow his "haminess" to bloom?

Paul Richards

---- Kevin Cheli-Colando <kevin@minds-eye.org> wrote:
> > OUCH!  Harsh.
> No doubt.
> And how is his talent in your face when you have to go to a website to
> watch it anyway?  Sheesh.  You don't have any kids do you?
> > > (Video Games or James Brown covers)
> > >
> > > Video game development has my vote! One less meatball jamming his
> > > "talent" in my face.
> And lastly, I never said anything about developing video games, I meant
> playing them.
> Kevin
> --
> Till now you seriously considered yourself to be the body and to have a
> form. That is the primal ignorance which is the root cause of all trouble.
> - Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)
> Sound and Vision:  http://www.minds-eye.org

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