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Howdy, WOW! What a concept!!!!I have 3 Ibanez Dm-1100s and a digitech 720 and I just use those to get loops going. my Roland RE-201 is fun too, but tape degredation, you know. I NEVER thought of using a tape loop in a cassette machine. WOW!!! Rig --- Daryl Shawn <> wrote: > This is one of the biggest reasons why I continue to > enjoy using a > cassette machine for looping, in spite of its > obvious limitations. When > I click off my punch-in pedal, I only have a vague > idea what I'm going > to get. The length of the loop is fixed, and there > is no kind of click > track, so a perfectly rhythmic loop is almost > impossible. I often > distress the tape stock, so when the playback starts > there may or may > not be wow and flutter, dropouts, distortion, etc. > Also, I change tape > speeds frequently while recording, so the pitch will > also change in a > fashion which is very hard to predict when combined > with the lag of the > machine's motor. It's very easy to introduce the > unexpected into this > system, it seems part and parcel of the whole > package. > > Every now and then I'll try out a digital looper in > stores, and when I > play something and hear it back, I'm so disappointed > when it sounds > exactly like what went into it! > > BTW, thanks for posting our schedule for the > Chinapainting show, Jim. > Hope some folks can make it out to see us. > > Daryl Shawn > > > > > There is a distinct charm in gear doing unexpected > things, and a few methods to create them: > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check. Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.